Summer term one newsletter

We’re half way through the last term and I’m sure you’re all ready for this well deserved break. Attached you can find the newsletter for the first half of the summer term which includes a note from the headteacher, along with her recommended reads; the year groups activities and events; as well as upcoming diary dates and the attendance to date.

We look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 3rd June. Have fun – stay safe!

Easter Newsletter 2024

white flowers between brown rabbit figure and eggs

We’ve reached the end of the Spring term and we are all ready for a well earned break!

In the attached newsletter you will find, the Head Teachers and Year group updates, as well as a Maths section, class attendance, and recommended reads. Dont forget to check out the upcoming dates and familiarise yourself with what will be happening when we return.

A reminder, if you haven’t yet done so, please download the Study Bugs app so that you can use it for reporting absence.

It just leaves us to wish you all a restful Easter break. Have fun but stay safe!

Year 2 – Science Week

During science week our children carouselled round the school, enjoying various activities, such as Bridge building to see how much weight they could hold, creating electrical circuits, looking at different materials and testing the magnetism, and seeing how far they could stretch a CurlyWurly without it breaking!

Year 2 – Science: Healthy Snacks

During the term of Spring and Summer, our Year 2 children learnt about different healthy foods and snacks. They even had the chance to make and taste some; including, wraps and a selection of fruit and vegetables.