
Doddinghurst Infant School recognises the importance of building a sense of identity and belonging in the pupils and for this reason we have a school uniform which the children wear with pride.

School uniform can be obtained from Smarty Pants, based in Hutton. Ties, book bags and PE bags can be purchased from the school office. You can also purchase, for a nominal fee, ‘nearly new uniform’. The school office will keep samples of all uniform to enable parents to try on their child as a size guide.

Jewellery, specifically necklaces and bracelets, should not be worn to school. However, children are permitted to wear small stud earrings. These must be taken out by the parent/carers or child on PE days. If they have recently been pierced and cannot be removed, they must be taped with plasters/tape on PE days.

EYFS will also require wellies, spare pants & socks in case of an accident (to be kept in their PE bags)