In the attached newsletter you’ll find year group updates and photos; as well as updates on activities and events for the first half of the Spring term, a Math challenge, recommended reads and important details about attendance.
Christmas Newsletter 2022
After a very busy second half to the Autumn term, we’ve finally reached the Christmas holidays. An exhausting few weeks, including our themed class activities, Ofsted visit, and festive preparations; including Christingle and our school play – not to mention the Snow!.
You can find the full details in our Christmas newsletter and photos will be updated on the website in the New Year – so keep an eye out.
On behalf of all the staff, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the festivities, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Autumn term one newsletter
What a lovely start to the new academic year. We’ve reached the end of the first half of our Autumn term, welcoming our children back and settling in our new EYFS children and their families. We’ve been busy reading stories, being creative, visiting the woods and exploring nature. A lot of learning and fun has been had and you can read all about it in our half term newsletter.
It just leaves us to say thank you for your continued support, have fun, stay safe and we’ll see you back at school on Monday 31st October.
Autumn term newsletter
Welcome to our new families and welcome back to existing families.
Attached is a welcome newsletter from Mrs Nicholson, alongside our condolences to the Royal Family and nation as a whole.
Summer term two newsletter
We’ve finally reached the end of the academic year and we are all looking forward to our holidays.
During the final half term the children have worked extremely hard, whilst dealing with extreme heat! Our Year 2s have given us all a celebratory leavers assembly in front of the whole school as well as to parents and carers. What a wonderful demonstration of skills! We hope you all enjoyed it.
In this newsletter you will find a letter from the head teacher, details on what each year group have been up to, and links to various charities and organisations providing additional support you may wish to tap into over the holiday period.
Whether you’re going to London, visiting sights in the local area, going abroad, or staying home this Summer, we wish you a happy and enjoyable holiday. Stay safe! We’ll see you back at school on Monday 5th September.
Summer term one newsletter
We’re almost at the end of the academic year with just one half of the Summer term left.
During the first half of the term the children have worked hard, represented the school in various events and came together to start the Jubilee celebrations!
Whether you’re going to London for the Queens Platinum Jubilee, attending the local events or celabrating at home, we hope you have an enjoyable half term break. Stay safe!
Easter Newsletter
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break full of fun activities.
We’ve completed two thirds of our academic year and we are ready to go full steam ahead into the Summer term. We have lots of fun activities and learning to complete; but in the mean time, attached is the Easter newsletter you received earlier this month where you’ll find year group updates and photos from the Spring term.
Spring term one newsletter
We’ve reached the end of the first half of the Spring term and, our children are half way through their academic year! In the attached newsletter you’ll find year group updates and photos; as well as updates on activities and events.
We hope you all have a lovely week off full of fun activities. Stay safe.
Christmas Newsletter
Christmas is here already! After a very busy second half to the Autumn term, we’ve finally reached the holidays. An exhausting few weeks, including our themed class activities, whole school farm trip and festive preperations; including Christingle and our class Nativities.
You can find the full details in our Christmas newsletter and photos will be updated on the website in the coming weeks – so keep an eye out.
On behalf of all the staff, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the festivities, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Autumn term one newlsetter
Welcome back to the start of a new academic year. We’ve reached the end of the first half of our Autumn term. We have had a busy set of weeks, welcoming our children back and settling in our new EYFS children and their families. A lot of learning and fun has been had and you can read all about it in our half term newsletter.
It just leaves us to say thank you for your continued support, remember to only knock on doors where houses are decorated over Halloween, and to have fun, stay safe and we’ll see you back at school on Monday 1st November.